Fireplaces make great focal points, even when they aren’t in use, and sometimes busy lifestyles or other factors keep homeowners from using them for extended periods. This begs the question: If I rarely use my fireplace, do I really need to have routine inspections?

The answer is yes. Regular chimney inspections are crucial, regardless of how often you use your fireplace. Time has an effect on all your home’s systems – including the ones you don’t use a lot. Routine inspections help you stay on top of any maintenance needs that should arise over time, and in doing so they help ensure that this important home system stays in tip-top shape.

Looking to schedule with us? Reach out online or call today.

original infographic answer the question of how often inspections are needed if a fireplace is rarely used - the answer is annually

Prioritizing Your Safety: Why Are Chimney Inspections Necessary?

Home safety is a first priority for most, and it’s a primary reason for having regular chimney inspections. Your chimney isn’t just a column of bricks – it’s an intricate structure that facilitates moving smoke, gases, and other combustion byproducts safely out of your home. Even if you don’t use it a lot, neglecting maintenance can lead to serious safety concerns.

  • Creosote Buildup. When wood burns it produces a dark, tarry substance called creosote, which can build up in your flue. With the right (or rather, wrong) conditions, it really doesn’t take many fires to lead to hazardous levels of creosote, which is highly flammable. Inspections will draw attention to any creosote that needs removal. Since creosote can become more stubborn over time, it’s best to remove it frequently.
  • Blockages. Creosote won’t accumulate without fires, but that’s not necessarily the case with blockages. Chimneys can become obstructed by debris, animal nests, and other materials. These can cause damage within the chimney to various components, as well as smells and noises that are…let’s just say…not ideal. And when the chimney is used again, these blockages can trap dangerous gases like carbon monoxide in your home.
  • Structural Damage. Extreme temperatures, wind, sun, rain, and snow can be rough on even strong materials like brick and mortar. Exposure can lead to cracks, erosion, and other forms of damage. Unchecked, these issues can compromise your chimney’s structural integrity, making it more susceptible to leaning, leaks, or even collapse.
  • Condensation issues. Condensation can build up in chimneys when not in use, which can lead to mold growth and deterioration. Moisture is not a friend to your chimney.

How Do I Best Prepare My Chimney for Use?

Chimneys need inspections in seasons of use and disuse. If it’s been a while since your last inspection, you’ll want to get one on the books before you fire it up again.

An inspection not only identifies potential issues, but it also prepares your fireplace for safe and efficient use. Your professional technician will ensure the flue is clean and free from inspection. Cracks or wear that could pose risks such as leaking gases will be identified, and the technician will confirm that the fireplace is up to withstanding the heat of a fire.

Chimney Inspections Also Maintain Home Value

Safety is a priority, but it’s not the only reason to keep up on inspections and maintenance. Inspections also help protect the value of your home.

  • Home inspections often cover fireplaces and chimneys. If a potential buyer learns that your chimney hasn’t been maintained, your beautiful fireplace may go from asset to liability, which can impact your home’s market value.
  • Some insurance policies require proof of routine maintenance. Failing to have inspections can complicate keeping homeowner’s insurance, and it can also cause issues if you ever need to make a fire-related claim.
  • If you’re in your forever home, you still want to maintain the value of your home. Why? Because of the value it adds to your life. Knowing that your home is safe and sound in all its systems brings a peace of mind that’s invaluable.

Keeping Your Chimney System Strong: Step To Take

To maintain your system’s safety and functionality, there are some simple steps you can take:

  • Annual Inspections. Schedule your inspections like clockwork. It’s recommended that a certified chimney professional inspect your chimney system annually. This ensures that any problems are caught early so they can be taken care of before they get worse. Inspections are an investment in your home that can save you substantially in the future.
  • Regular Chimney Sweeping. Having your chimney cleaned routinely guards against creosote and soot build up, and also keeps other obstructions out. This reduces fire 
  • Stay Informed. Familiarize yourself with your chimney and learn to recognize issues. If you notice unusual smells, smoke backing up into your house, or visible cracking or flaking, don’t hesitate to reach out to your chimney technician – even if it’s between inspections.

Book With Us Today

Whether you use your chimney daily or once a year, it deserves quality and frequent attention to stay strong and functional. Keeping up helps you have a stronger, safer home, and it keeps your fireplace at-the-ready should the inspiration to have a fire strike.

So don’t wait for problems to arise. Instead, make proactive chimney care part of your regular plan for home maintenance. Call or book online with us today.