by Joe Shear | Oct 24, 2022 | Fireplace Safety
Like many who enjoy lighting up cool, dusky evenings with the comfort of a cheery fire, you’ve probably considered how to do so as safely as possible. Yet, as the season famous for enjoying fires draws near, it’s a good idea to refresh yourself on fireplace safety. We...
by Joe Shear | Nov 17, 2015 | Chimney Maintenance, Fire Awareness, Safety
Sometimes the signs of a chimney fire are dramatic and obvious. Other times, the signs are more subtle, perhaps nearly invisible and hidden. Northeastern Masonry & Chimney wants to share with you tips for ascertaining if you are experiencing (or have experienced)...
by Joe Shear | Nov 13, 2014 | Fire Awareness
Over 25,000 chimney fires in the U.S. last year were responsible for over $120 million in property damage. Chimney fires can quickly spread into house fires in a relatively short period of time. No one ever wants to experience a chimney fire, or worse yet a fire in...