End-of-Season Fireplace Guide

The temperatures are rising and spring is officially underway. For most, that means saying farewell (for now) to the cozy fires of the burning season. Before you call fireplace season a wrap, there are a few things you should do, so that your fireplace will be ready...

Creosote Sweeping Logs: Do They Work?

Creosote. It’s that dark, tarry substance that can build up in your chimney. It doesn’t go away on its own and, because it’s a combustible, it can become a hazard if left unchecked. So, what’s the best way to get rid of it? Are the creosote sweeping logs that are...

Guide to Burning Wood in Your Fireplace

Knowing what to burn in a wood burning fireplace may seem cut and dried (no pun intended), but there’s likely more to it than you think. Is any wood suitable fuel for your fireplace? Do some wood varieties burn better than others? Is tossing cardboard, paper...

Fireplace Safety Tips

Like many who enjoy lighting up cool, dusky evenings with the comfort of a cheery fire, you’ve probably considered how to do so as safely as possible. Yet, as the season famous for enjoying fires draws near, it’s a good idea to refresh yourself on fireplace safety. We...

What Is Tuckpointing?

Your home needs regular maintenance year round, but as fall and winter approach, some extra precautions typically need to be taken. From scheduling a tune-up for your furnace to making sure your pipes are insulated, ensuring your home is ready to take on anything the...