Guide to Burning Wood in Your Fireplace

Knowing what to burn in a wood burning fireplace may seem cut and dried (no pun intended), but there’s likely more to it than you think. Is any wood suitable fuel for your fireplace? Do some wood varieties burn better than others? Is tossing cardboard, paper...

The Many Mental Health Benefits of a Fireplace

When you think of owning a fireplace you likely imagine reading a book next to the glow and warmth of a flickering fire or enjoying the crackling and popping of the wood as it burns in the background of the daily going-ons of your home. Anyone who regularly uses a...

Why Is My Fireplace Smoking?

So, you go to light a fire on a cold, winter evening, but instead of peaceful flames, you’re met with smoke in your living space – and you need to know what to do about it. Well, there are actually many things that can cause airflow to be restricted or to...

Fireplace Safety Tips

Like many who enjoy lighting up cool, dusky evenings with the comfort of a cheery fire, you’ve probably considered how to do so as safely as possible. Yet, as the season famous for enjoying fires draws near, it’s a good idea to refresh yourself on fireplace safety. We...

Your Chimney Swift Questions Answered

Every spring and summer, aerial acrobats known as chimney swifts return to their breeding grounds in the eastern part of the country, ranging from here in New York, as far south as Arkansas and northern Florida. Once here, these beautiful creatures make their homes...