Like snowflakes and scarves or cookies and milk, winter and fireplaces go hand in hand. Fireplaces have a long history of bringing comfort into homes…but along the way some myths have crept in too.

So, what’s true, and what needs a little rethinking? We’ve made fireplaces and chimneys our business, so we’d be happy to shed some light on the situation. Here are just a handful of winter fireplace misconceptions – and the true facts behind them. Need to book maintenance? Call or schedule online now.

original infographic stating multiple myths about fireplace use in winter

Myth 1: Rarely Used Fireplace Don’t Need Maintenance

All fireplaces, no matter how often they’re used, need to be swept and inspected annually, and the inspection may reveal the need for further repairs or maintenance – even if you don’t use your fireplace very much.

Why is this? Whether it’s used once a day or once a year, a chimney’s components can corrode, the structure can become damaged, or blockages can occur. After all, your chimney is exposed to the elements day in and out. If it’s not maintained, you may set out to use it and find that it’s become unsafe since last use. And even if you were never to fire it up again, a deteriorating structure can put your home at risk and lower its value.

Regular inspections and maintenance prolong the life of your home and the safe usefulness of your chimney system. We’ll say it again – all fireplaces, regardless of age, usage levels, or design, need inspections and repairs to ensure they remain safer for use.

Myth 2: Fireplaces Aren’t Efficient

Some people think all fireplaces are inefficient – they just forgive them, since what they lack in efficiency, they make up for in charm. But the reality is that many fireplaces are quite efficient.

Traditional, open fireplaces do lose a lot of heat to the chimney, but gas fireplaces and fireplace inserts are engineered for efficiency. Fireplace inserts can burn gas, wood, or pellets, so you don’t even need to give up the crackle of burning logs to boost efficiency. Inserts burn fuel efficiently and circulate heat in the room, and they boast other features to add convenience and comfort.

Long story short – when properly maintained and smartly upgraded, a fireplace can be a valuable source of heat.

Myth 3: Many Things Can Be Disposed of in a Fireplace

In a pinch, it’s okay to burn a bit of packaging or trash in a fireplace, right? This is actually a dangerous myth. Just because something fits in a fireplace, that doesn’t mean it’s safe to burn.

Burning treated wood, glossy magazines, plastic, foam, and colored papers, for instance, can all release toxic fumes into the air and generate lots of smoke. These can make the air in your home unpleasant and dangerous to breathe, and they can make combustible creosote build up in your chimney flue much quicker. In addition, these items can burn unpredictably – faster and hotter than recommended for your firebox, or with embers that rise up your flue or can spill out of your fireplace.

The only thing a wood-burning fireplace should burn is well-seasoned firewood. Dried firewood burns much more efficiently and cleanly than newly cut or damp wood, helping preserve the integrity of your fireplace and the safety of your burns.

Myth 4: You Can’t Complete Chimney Repairs in Winter

A myth that can keep homeowners from taking prompt care of their chimneys is the belief that repairs can’t be made in the winter months. In actuality, it’s important to address chimney issues as soon as possible – in any season.

Some repairs may be more challenging in extreme weather conditions – and we can recommend if any maintenance should be put off – but most chimney sweep technicians can perform necessary repairs in the winter months, before they worsen. Don’t let winter weather stop you from scheduling essential maintenance!

Myth 5: Fireplaces Are Only for Winter

Fireplaces and cold weather are linked in many minds, but there’s no real reason you can enjoy your fireplace year-round. Fireplaces add a cozy atmosphere to a dreary spring or fall day, add a bright start to early mornings, and can bring an unbeatable ambiance to any season. Some newer gas and electric fireplaces even let you enjoy the visual appeal of a fire without the heat!

Enjoy Quality Service With Northeastern Chimney

These are just a sampling of the misconceptions people may have about fireplaces and chimneys. But what you can be certain of is that our friendly, expert team at Northeastern Chimney will help you answer any questions that remain about the best way to care for your chimney. We’re CSIA-certified, have been providing chimney services for over 35 years, and bring our “A” game to every job.

Ready to get started? Call or book online now.